Woman encounters a huge animal while hiking alone. What happens next?

After a breathtaking morning hike, Tara could not really help but sense the presence of another person on the hill.
A large puma was seated there and looking intently at her as she turned around.
She believed that she would soon turn into her meal.
The large cat gave his trail mate a fleeting glance before carrying on with his morning stroll, indifferent. Tara was very happy.
The woman captured the disturbing event on camera, which is shown here:
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Although she is a seasoned outdoor lover and has hiked through amazing creatures, she has never previously seen a puma. It’s really unusual to see a large animal thus close up!
Pumas are unquestionably amazing animals. An adult male can grow to be 8 feet tall. Large cats are hard to find.
Although the recollection still gives Bray the dangly bits, she is happy to have witnessed such a magnificent, powerful wild animal in his natural environment. However, she believes it won’t happen again.
She was first really terrified. She is grateful and proud right now, though.