Won’t the wind blow her away? The 95 Ibs Jolie stepped out with her daughter

 Won’t the wind blow her away? The 95 Ibs Jolie stepped out with her daughter

Angelina Jolie, 47, was photographed out for a walk with her kid. The Hollywood diva preferred a voluminous cloak, which failed to conceal the actress’s excessive thinness. Remember that Angelina weighs only 95 Ibs and frequently encounters fan misunderstanding.

“Doesn’t the wind blow her down?”, “I think Angelina needs to put on a little weight,” “She looks so elegant,”

“One of the most beautiful actresses in Hollywood,” “A lot of people dream of having that size,”

“Does she eat air?”, “You can’t tell she’s a mother of many children,” “I can’t even believe she’ll be 50 soon”, “How beautiful she is”, “I want to feed her dinner,” – Angelina Jolie’s fans wrote.

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